Thursday, November 10, 2005

Liberals vs. Liberals vs. Liberals

This one is two much to pass up. Follow along if you can!

The liberal blog, Gapers Block, is attacking the Liberal paper of record, NYTs, for its reporting of liberal feminist single women, fighting liberal feminist parents in the very liberal neighborhood of Andersonville.

I was going to first comment on the irony of all of this, but when I see liberals attacking liberals it to much to pass up. I used to live up near Andersonville, so I spent a lot of time up there, I have been to Women and Childern First, The Chicago home to the Hillary Book signing, and I used to go the Taste of Heaven any time Ann Sathers was too busy.
First, the liberal parent in the neighborhood ARE taking over. This area is going through it's second gentrification. Once home to hippies, feminist, and others. It's now home to aging (parenting) hippies, feminist and other liberals. It is no suprise to me that they have very undisciplined children.
Second, does this give the original gentrifiers, the open minded, Hillary lovers, the right to close their nighboor hood to people with a different lifestyle. If it wasn't for the closed minded people in Andersonville, my wife and I would still live up there. Its a very affordable area with a abundance of single family homes. Did they expect them to stay "kid free". We will see who wins out in this one.
Third, does anyone actually expect the NYTs to get the story right. When was the last time a NYTs reporter acually went to Andersonville, Probably to cover the huge crowd Hillary received when she showed up.

To sum up, liberals can't parent, liberals aren't tolerant, liberals can't report. Did I miss anything here?


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Bill Baar said...

You can bet the Swedes kept their kids in line.


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