Monday, January 17, 2005

New Social Security Lies

Look for this new round of social Security lies to make the democrats talking points. Taking the lead from a AP reporter, liberals are now trying to scare all of us who love and care for people with disabilities. This is sad and sickening, but luckily the story is so full of lies, I doubt many will be fooled.

I hate to give them a plug here, but look at this headline Bush Plan May Reduce Disability Benefits.

Disgusting, and to make it worse there isn't anything in the story to back it up. In fact quite the opposite. Look at this quote from a leading conservative group that was in the story.

"The proper way to deal with this is to essentially make it clear that these are two different programs and to separate the benefit formulas," said David John, Social Security senior analyst at the conservative Heritag Foundation.

"One is an insurance program and one is essentially a retirement program," John said. "They have vastly different characteristics, they have vastly different administrative structures."

And also in the story is President Bush's plan. Unbelievable!!

The commission plan is serving as a blueprint for legislation the Bush administration would like Congress to consider. Bush's commission did not recommend changes for the disability program and cautioned that the benefit reductions shouldn't be viewed as a suggestion.

The story should be headlined President Bush Plans No Change for Social Security Insurance . When will they get it.


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