Sunday, November 21, 2004

Chicago and their budget

This town is a joke. Don't get me wrong, I love Chicago more than any place else, but how does the mayor get away with all this corruption. I think we have to continually ask ourselves, where does the money go. Look here, City of Chicago - Dept of Budget, it's all here somewhere. Look at were all your money is going, don't be confused by all the mayors hand pick spin on the homepage, dig deeper, and see if you like what you see.
The Chicago Media do a great job of putting and keeping the pressure on, we will see a cost savings of $15 million next year alone.
2005 savings I'm sure the mayor has it spent on planters already, but its a start. Please, let city hall know how you feel about individual programs, and let the media outlets know you appreciate their hard investigative work, and stay tuned while I do my own.
For one great example of the mayor at work look at the disappearing skyway money, how long till this starts costing us money?


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