Amnesty International thinks we're stupid
By labeling the U.S. anti-terrorism prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the "gulag of our times," the people of Amnesty International must think we're stupid or ignorant.Read the whole thing here:
Stupid or ignorant enough to fall for the assertion that whatever is happening at Guantanamo is the legal and moral equivalent of what happened in the hundreds of slave labor and concentration camps scattered throughout the former communist Soviet Union. Equivalent to a system that brutalized tens of millions, of which untold millions died of starvation, exposure, exhaustion, torture, illness or execution.
Amnesty International's irresponsible charges
I'd like to see comparitive mortality / morbidity rates on inmates from Soviet Gulags and Gitmo.
There is a permanent International Committee of the Red Cross presence at Gitmo... something that never happened in Soviet Union.
How stupid does Amensty Intl think we are? What an insult.
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