Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Unspoken Abortion Debate

While most of the political country is focused on how Meires is going to vote on Roe, it was refreshing to read this piece on the effects of (not)aborting children with down Syndrome. It is important to remember that these abortions kill real people, and in the cases that selfish people abort children with Down syndrome, we are all worst off. People with disabilities are wonderful people that add joy and depth to the lives they touch. We all live in a worse-off society when these people are taken from us.

The story above is a must read, it asks: "why do we as a society view abortion as justified and unremarkable in the case of children with disabilities?"

It hard to imagine, but due to prenatal testing and abortion, some studies estimate 80 to 90 percent of prenatal diagnoses that indicate that a child has Down Syndrom result in an abortion. 80% to 90%!

And just to throw some political irony in here, I can't stop thinking about how many liberals fight for the rights of people with disabilities, and continue the fight to ensure that they have the right end the life of a baby with Down syndrome.

I leave you with the following story from the article, that I feel happens all to often around the Country

At a dinner party not long ago, I was seated next to the director of an Ivy League ethics program. In answer to another guest's question, he said he believes that prospective parents have a moral obligation to undergo prenatal testing and to terminate their pregnancy to avoid bringing forth a child with a disability, because it was immoral to subject a child to the kind of suffering he or she would have to endure. (When I started to pipe up about our family's experience, he smiled politely and turned to the lady on his left.

I have always felt that the abortion debate is all about knowledge. As people learned that a "fetus" is alive people became more pro-life, as they read stories like this and learn what joy people with disabilities can add to society, maybe they will make the right "Choice", and we won't have to worry about "Roe"


At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back when the abortion debate had just begun, this was just the sort of talk abortion advocates denied would be a result of legalization. The selective aborting of babies in order to choose sex and to eliminate the unborn with possible disabilities, oh no, they promised. That and the killing off of the elderly and others thought to have a valueless life. But,it has begun to happen, horrifyingly, we have to wonder who will be safe.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Bill Baar said...

Richard Cohen wrote a column today which sums up where I believe many people are on abortion


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